June 16, 2024
Global Renewable News

Two new platforms offer the latest knowledge on green finance and green business

July 18, 2019

A global partnership of some of the world's largest organizations today (7/16) launched two new knowledge platforms - the Green Industry Platform and the Green Finance Platform - at the High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development in New York. These platforms provide the financial and private sectors with the latest research, data, guidance, and tools from leading experts and institutions to help green their operations.

The need for practical and targeted knowledge to support the transition to inclusive green economies is more urgent than ever, with recent reports showing the global decline of nature and calling for unprecedented action to reach climate targets set out in the Paris agreement.

The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) hosts a wealth of existing knowledge to support greener business, finance, and policy, from the return on investment on renewable energy investments to green bonds, sustainable infrastructure, green standards and regulations, etc. The platforms offer everything from global-scale assessments on flows of sustainable finance to highly specialised guidance notes on "turning waste into gold" in the bio-energy sector in Africa.

Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations and current President and Chair of the Global Green Growth Institute welcomed the launch of the two new platforms,

"These are especially exciting times for the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP), already the world's largest dedicated repository of green growth resources, case studies, and national documents," he said.

Green Economy Approaches That Work in Policy, Business and Finance

 The Green Industry Platform and the Green Finance Platform will build on the existing Green Growth Knowledge Platform, which offers the latest know-how to support green policymaking at the national level. Users can browse by sector, country, region, or cross-cutting theme, including gender, jobs, climate change, circular economy, and natural capital.

Read the full story.

For more information

United Nations Environment Programme
