June 16, 2024
Global Renewable News

Energy from waste, a challenge for the future

October 31, 2017

Slaughterhouse's waste and animal byproduct of agroindustrial industry, such as milk, yogurt and egg's product, where they can no longer be used as feeding livestock, are an important source of energy for biogas plants.

IGW Srl, aware of the research activity of the last years, has developed with his technicians, a low cost technological process that allows to use the residual organic matter contained in byproduct, for biogas ad biomethane production, according with the circular economy's principles and with the community and national legislation.

Knowing that the development of this kind of technology can bring environmental and health-hygienic benefits, IGW srl has decided to bring to EU Commission's attention, within LIFE Program, its "Byproduct Value (BPV) Project", also aimed at demonstrating the replicability of this technology especially in those country where the health-related (ABP) Animal Byproduct' aspects are still an environmental critical issue.

The BPV Project will turn-on non-energetically-valuable ABP, into valuable resources that can be used as feedstock in biogas and biomethane plants, in partial substitution of primary feed (e.g dedicated crops), and at lower costs.

IGW submitted the BPV Project, certain of the validity of our idea, and will see how it will end and, meanwhile, is keeping close all the acquired and developed information, that has allowed them to be present on the Italian market as Biomass and ABP trader, and with the hope to be present in the future also in the international market.

For more information, please visit this website.

For more information

European Biogas Association
