June 16, 2024
Global Renewable News

Enefit Green takes a big step forward in the Risti wind farm development

September 28, 2023

The first stage of the designated spatial plan for wind energy in Lääne-Nigula was adopted at today's meeting of Lääne-Nigula rural municipality council, giving Enefit Green the right to proceed with the development of the Risti wind farm.

As a result of the successful cooperation between Lääne-Nigula Municipality and local residents, we have now reached the adoption of the first stage of the designated spatial plan, which has taken four years,' said Oliver Zereen, Wind Energy Development Manager at Enefit Green. We agreed with the municipality that we would build up to 25 wind turbines with a height of up to 270 metres. Now we plan to move forward with a more detailed solution by determining the exact locations of the wind turbines.'

The Risti wind farm, developed by Enefit Green, will benefit local residents, the local government and society at large. Owners of residential buildings within 2-3 km from the Risti wind farm and the local government will receive support under the national local benefit model.

In addition, the wind farm will bring life to the overall business environment. The local community and the municipality are our valued partners with whom we want to develop renewable energy, thereby revitalising community life and entrepreneurship in Lääne-Nigula,' Zereen said. According to him, Enefit Green has an agreement with the municipality to establish a direct power line to Palivere, which would provide local industrial enterprises with more electricity than before, while also promoting the creation of new businesses and jobs in the area.

The wind farm will benefit society as a whole, as it will provide us with affordable and sustainable electricity and increase our energy security.

If everything goes to plan, Enefit Green will start the construction of the Risti wind farm in the second half of 2025, and the park should start generating electricity in the second half of 2027.

For more information

Enefit Green


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