June 1, 2024
Global Renewable News

Why hybrid projects may be the future of renewable energy

September 24, 2019

This year's forward-looking conference program will explore how wind energy, solar energy, and energy storage can work together to meet electricity demands.

On gently-rolling prairie land just north of Lethbridge, Alberta, the future of renewable energy may well be taking shape.

One of Canada's largest solar farms, Vulcan Solar (100 MWp), is proposed for construction on the same rural patch as Western Canada's largest wind project, Blackspring Ridge (300 MW) and the companies behind them are weighing the possibility of combining the two in a hybrid development that would provide a constant flow of electricity.

"It allows both systems to operate to their full potential while maximizing the existing infrastructure, limiting the new capital required" said David Warner of EDF Renewables, which co-owns the Blackspring Ridge Wind Project with Enbridge and is developing the Vulcan solar project.

"You're utilizing existing systems to maximize the substation that is already there at the same time, you're providing a firmer power supply to the ratepayers of Alberta."

Read the full press release.

For more information

The Canadian Wind Energy Association
400-240 rue Bank Street
Ottawa Ontario
Canada K2P 1X4