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Global Renewable News

Parliamentary Energy Committee lauds the Baringo-Silali project progress

September 18, 2018

GDC MD & CEO Eng. Johnson P. Ole Nchoe (extreme left) with Parliamentary Committee on Energy Chairperson and Nakuru Town East MP Hon. David Gikaria (second right), Mwala MP Hon. Vincent Musau (centre), and Nyandarua MP Hon. Faith Gitau (second left) during a tour of the Baringo-Silali Geothermal Project. With them is GDC Chief Engineer Joseph Mberia (extreme right)

The Parliamentary Energy Committee has commended the Geothermal Development Company on the progress made at the Baringo-Silali Geothermal Project. Speaking on Friday 31st August 2018 during a tour of the project, the Committee expressed satisfaction on the pace and speed of the project's development.

"We are very happy with the progress of this project. This is going to be one of the biggest projects for the Government when drilling kicks off. We are very impressed by the pace of development," said the Chairman of the Committee Hon. David Gikaria. Hon. Gikaria added that geothermal energy is a game changer in the energy mix and a critical component in powering the Big 4 Agenda set by the Government. "The Government is making efforts to explore cheaper renewable energy. Geothermal energy is therefore very key. We have to fast-track its development and the Baringo-Silali project is going to have a massive impact in achieving this," noted Hon. Gikaria.

During the tour, GDC MD & CEO Eng. Johnson P. Ole Nchoe informed the Committee that the first rig will be on site in early October for the commencement of drilling. "The first rig will be at Paka. We have been waiting to complete the water system. The water line is now ready and the pumping has been done. We can comfortably start the drilling process," expounded the MD.

The tour also saw the Committee interact with local residents at various stopovers, lauding GDC for engaging the local community as part of the teams working at the Project site.

For more information

Geothermal Development Company


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