June 1, 2024
Global Renewable News

Grenergy connects its third photovoltaic plant in Chile

November 10, 2016

Grenergy, an energy producer from renewable sources and specialist in the development, construction and management of photovoltaic and wind projects, has connected its third photovoltaic plant to the Chilean Central Interconnected System (SIC).

The San Pedro plant, has a nominal capacity of 3 MWs, and is located in the Metropolitan Region, the most densely populated area of Chile since it includes the country's capital, Santiago. As of today (10/27), Grenergy has already three photovoltaic plants in operation in the Latin American country. The Alturas Ovalle plant was connected early October, and located close to the plant El Olivo, which was connected last year.

The construction of the San Pedro Plant is part of the joint-venture that Grenergy has concluded with the leading panel manufacturer Trina Solar in order to build photovoltaic plants in Chile of up to 60 MWs. With the execution of its third project, Grenergy becomes one of the leading companies in the Chilean renewable sector, specialized in PMGD projects.

In addition, the company has recently closed the financing of two photovoltaic energy projects, La Esperanza and Marchigüe, with Chilean commercial banks for an amount of 17,1 million Euros. This is the first time Chilean banks supports a renewable energy project with these characteristics, selling energy under the Stabilized Price Regime.

For more information

Grenergy Renovables
